Sunday, February 19, 2012

Aim: What is Isometry?

  • The definition of Isometry:
                                - Basically the distance from an original figure (& it's points) and their transformed figure (& their points). 

An example of how ΔABC's points are equally distanced
  ΔA'B'C' points. This is shown by translation. 

  • From the types of Transformations only Reflection, Rotation, and Translation are isometries. Dilation on the other hand, is not a isometry.
This earth figure is isometry
b/c each half of the earth
is equal distance from
the other half. 

  • The reason why dilation isn't a isometry is because the original image is either shrunk or enlarged. 
dilation with scale factor 2
Example of  dilation, where
ΔABC is dilated by the
scale factor of 2.

  • Now you try it, with this question :

What isometry maps figure 1 to figure 3?
A.          reflection 
B.       translation 
C.            rotation 
D.  none of these 

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