- The area of a shape is the amount of space inside the boundary of a flat (2-dimensional) object.
- Here's a video link that can help you understand it more: http://www.brainpop.com/math/geometryandmeasurement/areaofpolygons/
- On that link you can watch the video, try the activity, take a quiz on it, & etc. But I will still try to explain it here.
- The area for a parallelogram is probably the easiest. Just because you only have to multiply length and height (l x w). But there is an easier way to look at it.

- Now the area of a kite is very different. You have to multiply the 2 diagonals and then divide that by 2. ((d1 x d2) / 2)

- The area for a trapezoid is kind of similar to the kite's, but instead of diagonals there are bases & a hieght. In this case you add the 2 bases and then multiply that by the half of the height.

- So after all this wonderful information, try this problem here !

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I like how you simplify everything and use the pictures as a way to embrace everything you state :)