Sunday, March 25, 2012

March 20: How do we find the area of a circle? (AIM)

Aim: How do we find the area of a circle?

  • A circle is known as a round plane figure whose boundary (the circumference) consists of points equidistant from a fixed center. 

  • There are circles EVERYWHERE, seriously. Look at anything right now, & i will guarantee you can find a type of circle. For example is you have the iPhone, here's some circles on your phone (that you probably never let go of) :

These are just SOME circles
on the iPhone. Even the circles
i drew on there are CIRCLES man !

  • Now when finding the area of a circle, its just a little tricky. This is because there's 2 formulas for a circle. There's circumference (perimeter for circles) & area, but they're 2 different things. But they do have one thing the same, PI. 

  • For circumference, you multiply the radius by 2 or multiply the diameter by Pi. Or go by the rule of either 2πr or πd. Either way they're both the same. 

  • For area you'll square the radius and multiply it by Pi. Or the rule is  πr².

The pink/purple shaded
part of the circle (inside),
is the area of a circle.
  • Here's an example of finding the area & circumference of a circle :


  • So now that you've got everything packed down on area & circumference ... try this problem out :

  1. What is the area of the colored part this circle ? 


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